Indigenous Culture Based Learning in Alberta Curriculum

Please note that the teachings and videos featured on this website are based on the Woodland Cree Peoples’ ways of knowing and being in the Northwestern region of Alberta. The knowledge, customs, protocols, and practices shared here have been gained through a lifetime of teachings from family and Elders, deeply rooted in Cree/Métis spiritual and subsistence lifestyle.

APLC acknowledges that we all have different teachings and different protocols and practices in our own communities, and encourages users to consult with their local Elders regarding local practices and customs. This website represents the way of passing knowledge as it was taught to Wapastim. Ninaskamon.

Indigenous Culture Based Learning in Alberta Curriculum

General Knowledge Videos


General knowledge videos can be incorporated into various curricular outcomes and supported with lesson planning tools and exemplars found on the Instructional Supports webpage.

These general knowledge videos align with and support the 4 Foundations. They are based on Woodland Cree ways of knowing and being in the Northwestern region of Alberta.