This website has been developed to provide supports for infusing Cree ways of knowing and being into curriculum. Find planning supports, videos, learning guides, and grade-specific documents for Alberta Kindergarten to Grade 12 English Language Arts and Literature, Math, Social Studies, and Science curriculum.
Foundations of Cree Ways of Knowing and Being
The 4 Foundations of Cree Ways of Knowing and Being is a holistic model to help teachers plan and feel more comfortable with infusing Indigenous knowledge into curriculum through culture based teaching.
The 4 Foundations model strives to organize Cree cultural practices influenced by the 4 directions concept within traditional teachings. Those are North represented by white, East represented by yellow, South represented by red, and West represented by blue. Within the 4 directions model, the colours also represent the primary knowledge base within each direction/colour according to the teachings that fit within the Cree Ways of Knowing and Being.
North/White represents ceremonial teachings as the vehicle in supporting kinship connections and healing through ceremony.
East/Yellow represents subsistence teachings through hunting and gathering through land-based learning to attain and maintain food sovereignty.
South/Red represents the oral tradition aspect and the passing of knowledge and teachings orally through storytelling, knowledge keepers and elders.
West/Blue represents personal and emotional healing though the teaching of artistic elements that encompass both performance and production. This includes song, dance, and material arts.
The anchor or all elements is Cree Language, infused throughout Cree Ways of Knowing and Being as an integral part of traditional teachings and the transfer of knowledge.
All components within Cree Ways of Knowing and Being are interconnected and rarely are used in isolation in transferring knowledge. Though this model, Culture Based Learning is used to connect contemporary teaching practices with traditional Cree teaching practices.
About Wapastim, White Horse, Jason Bigcharles
Tansi, Wapastim N’Sihkasoon. Hello, my name is White Horse, my colonized name is Jason Bigcharles. I am a father of 7 and grandfather of 16. I am proudly Metis’ from the Metis’ settlement of East Prairie. I have lived on the East Prairie Metis’ Settlement my whole life thus far. I have been a teacher for 20+ years. Although I am Metis’, my family is deeply rooted in Cree cultural practice and spiritualism. We continue to maintain a very high subsistence lifestyle, carrying on those traditions. Currently I am an Independent Education Consultant specializing in FNMI content and curriculum.
Becoming a Culture Based Learning Teacher – Kim Barker-Kay
Meet Kim Barker-Kay. Kim has been on the journey towards becoming an Indigenous culture based learning teacher for decades. She shares her knowledge and experience around some of the challenges she faced and apprehension she felt along the way.